Tell us a bit about your business; what do you offer customers and how can you help them?
A-VOS offers administrative support, telephone answering service, office space, mail receiving & forwarding, receptionist and more.
We are skilled in managing boards, associations, commissions, etc. on a contracted basis. We work closely with Solopreneurs working at home, small startups or other small businesses that don’t need a full-time staff member to handle their administrative needs.
Our professional office allows them to meet clients, receive their mail, have their phones answered while they are out doing other business. A-VOS makes it easy for individuals and small businesses to operate in a professional atmosphere, with professional staff, and without the huge cost of signing a lease, installing phone lines, hiring a receptionist, etc.
The Beginning:
How did you get started and would you do anything differently?
A-VOS began as Management, Clerical & Consulting Services, LLC and has now expanded into d/b/a Advanced Virtual Office Services.
I started out in my home basement as an administrative assistant to an Executive Director of several boards and associations. After 10 years, I decided to move into a leased office space and expand my services. After 16 years in the business I have learned so much by making mistakes, picking the minds of other successful business women and working with a variety of industries.
Would I change anything or do it differently? Yes! I would have reached out more to other business people for mentoring and brainstorming. I had the mindset that I had to make this a success by myself. My advice to anyone starting a business is to reach out, reach out and keep reaching out to others for advice.
The Inspiration:
Tell us about why you do what you do, what keeps you going in business?
What inspired me and keeps inspiring me to continue this type of work is that I’m good at what I do. I love paperwork, people, organizing, assisting, managing, leading and being my own boss. Right or Wrong, my decisions are mine and I live with the results. I can correct what doesn’t work and initiate new ideas without being limited.
The Future:
What are your future plans for the business? What can customers look for or expect down the road?
My future plans are really more of dream I have had since High School. I will own my own building, with 100 employees. A-VOS will be known as the “Best Place to Work” in the region or United States (think big). The expansion will be a place of business services as well as a place of learning. I will teach future administrative assistants how to be that person that knows exactly what needs to be done to accomplish any project.
The Successes:
What do you celebrate? What are you most proud of when it comes to your business?
I am very proud of the fact that I developed this business into what it is today; Successful!! There are many ways to look at success; one being financial success, but the one I relate to is being a 100% Successful Women Owned Business! It’s not easy to be a woman business owner and compete with corporate offices.