Most Powerful Women

Powerful Women in business

Powerful Women in business

October 13, 2022
Starting a small business can be a struggle for any entrepreneur, but women often face far more obstacles than men do. “Women seeking first-year…

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Forbes top 100 Most Powerful Women

Forbes top 100 Most Powerful Women

September 30, 2022
Related Taylor Swift made Forbes’ 100 Most Powerful Women list for the first time this year, and at 25, she’s the youngest of all the honorees…

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Womens Power

Womens Power

September 27, 2022
View clips from the DVD I have come from the school of medicine at Heliopolis, and have studied at the women s school at Sais where the divine…

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100 Most Powerful Women in the world

100 Most Powerful Women in the world

September 27, 2022
According to Forbes, the top 10 most powerful women in the world are, in descending order: German Chancellor Angela Merkel, Democratic presidential…

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Top 100 Leaders of All Time

Top 100 Leaders of All Time

September 20, 2022
A program to engage people of all ages in a study of leadership and legacy in history Dr. Cathy Gorn “It is not the critic who counts; not the…

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Fortune 500

Fortune 500

September 2, 2022
1c. Corporate Blogs by Rank Since our first study in 2008, we have documented that rank influences adoption of blogging in the F500. Those corporations…

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White Power Women

White Power Women

August 15, 2022
Suffragette: Susan B. Anthony, 1820-1906 (Social reformer, member of the Anti-Slavery Society, president of the National American Woman Suffrage…

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Forbes Most Powerful Women 2013

Forbes Most Powerful Women 2013

July 12, 2022
Today s list demonstrates that what defines power is changing. It sends a pretty powerful message that power is something that can be achieved…

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Most Powerful CEOs

Most Powerful CEOs

July 12, 2022
CNBCOn Wednesday, legendary activist investor Carl Icahn and BlackRock CEO Larry Fink were supposed to debate activist investing in a live broadcast…

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Famous Female politicians

Famous Female politicians

March 23, 2022
A murder of an individual is called assassination, who is usually a famous celebrity, politician, religious figure or royal. Usually in cases…

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