Women Leaders

World Women Leadership

World Women Leadership

July 13, 2021
The vision of the Global Women s Leadership Network is to provide…

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Strong Women leaders

Strong Women leaders

November 9, 2019
Women can exert control by engaging in more subtle or “implicit”…
monkey mart

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Women leaders of the World

Women leaders of the World

October 31, 2019
The World Economic Forum seeks to maximize women’s participation in all its activities, including annual meetings, regional events, Global Agenda…

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Current list of Fortune 500 companies

Current list of Fortune 500 companies

April 11, 2018
Sixty years have passed since the first publication of the Fortune 500, which ranks the largest publicly held companies in the U.S. The list…

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Women of NYC

Women of NYC

July 26, 2017
Police have released new surveillance images of a man suspected of targeting Asian women in random attacks across New York City. Authorities…

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Great Women leaders in History

Great Women leaders in History

July 6, 2017
Mary Harris Mother Jones , Library of Congress, LC-USZ62-50377 The most famous female labor leader of the nineteenth century, Mary Harris emigrated…

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American Women leaders

American Women leaders

February 16, 2017
Last year, over 150 industry leaders gathered in Boston to innovate, motivate, and to shatter the glass ceiling. Be part of this supportive community…

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Quotes About Women Leadership

Quotes About Women Leadership

November 21, 2016
Before there were ever media-sanctioned Year of the Woman slogans, extraordinary women exhibited tenacity and perseverance in the face of false…

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Prominent Women leaders

Prominent Women leaders

October 18, 2016
Some of the world s most prominent and credible female voices - including Beyoncé, Meryl Streep, Lady Gaga, Sheryl Sandberg, Charlize Theron…

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Women Country leaders

Women Country leaders

December 13, 2013
On Sunday, Chile goes to the polls to vote for a new president in a direct run-off between two women. This will continue the increasingly common…

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