Gabrielle Bernstein Meditations

March 14, 2020
Gabrielle Bernstein on iTunes

low-res-0828-2For the past month I’ve been teaching a very special meditation at my live lectures. It is my honor to share this Kundalini Meditation to Expand into Intuitive Knowing.

I suggest you practice this meditation for the next 40-days.

Here’s the breakdown of the Meditation to Expand into Intuitive Knowing (as taught by Yogi Bhajan.)

Mantra: Ek Ong Kar Sat Gur Prasad music here.

Posture: Sit with the legs crossed in Easy Pose. Grasp the knees firmly, keeping the elbows straight and the chest lightly lifted. The chin is pulled in gently, to align the skull with the rest of the spine.

Practice: Chant the mantra in a steady rhythm with your eyes closed and focused on the brow point. On “Ek”, pull in the Navel Point. On “Kar”, release it. On “Sat Gur”, pull in the entire abdominal region, especially the diaphragm, lifting everything up toward the ribs and back toward the spine. On “Prasad”, release it. Continue to contract your abdomin and release as you chant the mantra. If the contracting is uncomfortable you can chant the mantra with a long deep breath. Chant the mantra with powerful intention and in a sacred space because it has the power to amplify your projection. This meditation deepens your intuition and heightens your sense of inner knowing.

Time: Begin with a 3-minute practice, gradually increasing to 22 minutes. The maximum length of the meditation is 62 minutes.

Eyes: The eyes are closed or 1/10th open.

IMPORTANT NOTES ON THE MANTRA: “This mantra is the only Kundalini mantra that comes with a warning. This is such a powerful and creative mantra that you must watch your thoughts and actions after you chant it. You will be in such a state of manifestation, that your thoughts will accelerate into being. Luckily, the energy within the mantra itself will help you switch your thoughts to the positive. It takes your own negative thought, stops it in its tracks and reverses it into positivity. A thought rides into your consciousness to be processed with Ek Ong Kar Sat Gur Prasad, and comes out pure with, Sat Gur Prasad Ek Ong Kar.” – Spirit Voyage

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