Business Woman

Woman CEOs Fortune 500 company

Woman CEOs Fortune 500 company

May 6, 2022
Halfway through 2015, Fortune took a look at the ranks of women CEOs in the Fortune 500. We found a precarious balance of good news (at No. 6…

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Important Women in the World

Important Women in the World

April 4, 2022
Celebrated annually on 8 March, International Women s Day (IWD) is a time to highlight the importance of achieving equality for girls and women…

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Women in the 20th Century

Women in the 20th Century

August 23, 2020
Megan Ellison’s Annapurna Pictures will produce late 1970s drama “20th Century Women” with “Beginners” director Mike Mills on board to direct…

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What is a business woman?

What is a business woman?

June 3, 2020
Tell us a bit about your business; what do you offer customers and how can you help them? A-VOS offers administrative support, telephone answering…

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Successful business woman

Successful business woman

August 16, 2018
A show of hands, please. How many of you would be fifteen minutes late for an appointment with your CEO? Gail McGovern, president of Fidelity…

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Inspirational words Women

Inspirational words Women

July 2, 2017
“When I was 38 I contemplated beginning a two year Associates Degree in Radiography. I was talking to a friend and had almost talked myself out…

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Quotes on woman power

Quotes on woman power

June 28, 2017
If a woman sits with folded hands in her lap for a few minutes every day, and feels she is a container so vast that she contains the whole Universe…

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Women struggle Quotes

Women struggle Quotes

March 6, 2017
It’s the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women today and in recognition of this dedicated day (and the 16 consecutive…

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Prominent Female

Prominent Female

January 10, 2017
BEIJING, Jan 13 (Reuters) - Chinese authorities have formally arrested China s most prominent woman human rights lawyer, accusing her of subverting…

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Business woman Magazine

Business woman Magazine

November 19, 2016
WE Magazine for Women is Looking for WOMEN BUSINESS OWNERS! Women in Business Interviews began during Small Business Week 2009. Although WE Magazine…

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